home > Disneyland Resort > Crowd Shots > Friday - July 26, 2002 - Page 2 of 3 - << previous page : next page >>
Taken - 2:49pm - Compare this to the last shot, shows how a few seconds can make a difference in the appearance of a crowd, so remember to take all pictures with a grain of salt, just capturing a moment to share.
Taken - 2:49pm - Compare this to the last shot, shows how a few seconds can make a difference in the appearance of a crowd, so remember to take all pictures with a grain of salt, just capturing a moment to share. 07.26.02
Taken - 2:51pm - The standby line for the 5th Dimension Concert
Taken - 2:51pm - The standby line for the 5th Dimension Concert 07.26.02
Taken - 3:32pm - The crowd for the start of the concert
Taken - 3:32pm - The crowd for the start of the concert 07.26.02